Web Presence (SEO)
Web Presence $225/month (no set-up fee)
When someone searches for your business online you want to be found. The Web Presence package
is designed to insure your business's information is accurately and consistently displayed across the
internet. Your business information includes Name, Address, Phone Number and Website address
or NAPW. This is done by claiming, submitting, editing and creating business listings with the major
search engines, social sites and top online business directories. Some sites only provide NAPW
while others allow for rich content such as pictures, business description, business categories,
company logo, and videos.
Here are some internet search issues we have fixed for customers:
No results for the business – common with new businesses, changes in ownership and new locations
A competitor’s business information is returned
Contact information is old phone numbers, addresses or websites
The business is classified incorrectly – a plumber is classified as a retail store
The pictures associate with a business are of another business
The following business pages are claimed, created or enhanced with rich content as needed:
Google My Business
Bing Business Page
Facebook Business Page
Yelp Business Page
40 Top Online Directories
Map Services
Google Maps
Bing Maps
Apple Maps
Monthly monitoring, updating and reporting showing your web presence score, detail listing
information by directory and a summary of online reviews. Reports begin in month four.
One post to your online social media accounts. A 30 second slide show video commercial will be
produced and submitted at each six month anniversary.